Articles and Book Chapters
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Li, F., & Sánchez De Francesch, P. (2024). Responding to political and ecological crises in Latin American Studies. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean, 49(3), 464–466.
Li, Fabiana. (2022). Materiality and the politics of seeds in the global expansion of quinoa. Food, Culture, and Society.
Li, Fabiana and Teresa Velasquez. (2022). Water and Conflict. In Lorenzo D’Angelo and Robert Jan Pijpers (Eds.), The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. Routledge.
Li, Fabiana and Beatriz Manzano Chura. (2021). Quinoa and Small-Scale Agriculture in Times of COVID-19, Anthropology Now, 13:2, 54-64.
Li, F. (2019). Bridging Academia, Activism, and Visual Culture in Conflicts over Resource Extraction. Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 1 October 2019; 1 (4): 76–81.
Li, Fabiana and Adriana Paredes. (2018). Stories of Resistance: Translating Nature, Indigeneity and Place in Mining Activism. In Ødegaard C. and Rivera J. (Eds), Indigenous life-making projects and politics of extractivism in South America: Ethnographic approaches. Palgrave Macmillan.
Paredes Peñafiel, Adriana and Fabiana Li. (2017). Nourishing Relations: Controversy over the Conga Mining Project in Northern Peru. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology.
Li, F. (2018). Moving Glaciers: Remaking Nature and Mineral Extraction in Chile. Latin American Perspectives, 45(5), 102–119.
Li, F. (2017). Illness, Compensation, and Claims for Justice: Lessons from the Choropampa Mercury Spill. In Governance in the Extractive Industries: Power, Cultural Politics, and Regulation. Edited by Lori Leonard and Siba Grovogui. London: Routledge.
Li, F. (2016). In Defense of Water: Modern Mining, Grassroots Movements, and Corporate Strategies in Peru. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. 21(1): 109-129
Li, F. (2013). Relating Divergent Worlds: Mines, Aquifers and Sacred Mountains in Peru. Anthropologica. 55(2): 399-411.
Li, F. (2013). Contested Equivalences: Controversies over water and mining in Peru and Chile. In The Social Life of Water. Edited by John Wagner. New York: Berghahn Books.
Li, F. (2011). Engineering Responsibility: Environmental mitigation and the limits of commensuration in a Chilean mining project. Focaal (Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology), volume 60.
Li, F. (2010). Responsabilidad y rendición de cuentas en las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental de un proyecto minero. Debate Agrario #45. CEPES: Lima, Peru.
Li, F. (2010). From Corporate Accountability to Shared Responsibility: Dealing with Pollution in a Peruvian Smelter-Town. In: Ravi Raman Ed. Corporate Social Responsibility: Discourses, Practices, Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Li, F. (2009). Documenting Accountability: Environmental Impact Assessment in a Peruvian Mining Project. Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR), Vol. 32, No. 2.